Wednesday, December 19, 2012

One Week 'til Christmas!

It is hard to believe that it will be Christmas Day in exactly one week. The house is very festive, the stockings are hanging by the fireplace, and we are awaiting Santa's first visit to Drake and Kennedy. This year will be very different from those Brian and I have shared in the past. We will be sharing Christmas as a family of four. We must keep the twins away from our extended families and Christmas Eve services this year. But as we reflect on the past 6 months, we can do so with thankful hearts for the blessings we share this season--our two precious miracles. Before we know it, they will be full of excitement awaiting everything about Christmas in the years ahead.

Today, I managed to leave the babies with Drake's nurse and Gran and get out of the house to do a little shopping. Then I had a fun filled visit to the vet with Ella. Now we are one day closer to Daddy coming home and being here until after Christmas--the best present of all!

We will begin our own family traditions this year and focus on our true joy.


  1. Oh what memories you will make! And each Christmas only gets better! I hope you all have a wonderful first holiday together.

  2. Drake has the most beautiful eyes. I can see God's love shining through them. Merry Christmas.

  3. I agree Drake has sweet sweet eyes. I hope his cold is getting better and that you have a delightful Christmas with your family.
