With the developments and renovations getting ready for the upcoming brewery opening, things are even crazier and busier than our regular daily life. Taking a little time out for a proper celebration of Hayes was definitely a much needed event! All of Brian's side of the family was able to make it and most of mine was, too! We also had some of our wonderful friends in attendance! I think Hayes knew this was a party just for him! The weather was perfect, and Yea-Yea (Brian's mom) made a wonderful birthday cake especially for our special boy! We were prepared for a huge mess with his smash cake, but he was actually not messy at all. That was a huge surprise...especially knowing our busy boy!
Kennedy enjoyed helping get things set up and decorated for Hayes' party! She was also excited to get some Big Sister presents from Aunt Gigi & Yea-Yea brought her. She also had a field day playing with all of Hayes' new toys! Oh, the perks of being a big sister!
After months of paperwork, denials, appeals, more paperwork, waiting, we finally received approval for Drake's new stander! However, when they called to arrange delivery, they let me know that due to the changeover to managed care taking place on November 1, they would not have enough time to get the stander we had ordered. My options were, to accept a stander that they already had in stock, or we could start the process over again. With those two options, I decided to give the stander they had in stock a try. Trying to coordinate with their delivery from Dallas and Drake's PT being here to verify that this stander would meet all of our needs was much harder than I would have thought. After 3 failed scheduled times, everything finally fell into place! Now Drake has plenty of growing room, and I think he likes his new stander!