Drake's knee X-Rays do show abnormalities in his knee; however, it does not show the cause. I will be picking up a cd copy of these X-rays on Friday to take with us when we see the pediatric orthopedic doctor at Scottish Right Hospital. I do not know yet when that appointment will be; we have had a referral and I am eagerly awaiting being contacted. We had a nice weekend at home and Uncle Matt was in town for a visit. Despite his best efforts, Kennedy is still not able to say, "Uncle Matt." However, she does say, "thank you" every time she hands something to us, and she has also perfected the "fake" sneeze. I'm so glad Brian was able to witness this over the weekend. She does the "fake" sneeze just like the "fake" cough when she hears Drake do either and she sees him get attention.
Drake has been a rock star with his physical therapy this week! He has been lifting his head and impressing everyone with his strength and determination! He has even impressed me this week and I'm with him 24/7. I love surprises like that! He even got to try baby food with his speech therapist today! He did great! She said that she was really impressed with how well he did for the first time, and that his natural instincts with using his tongue and managing the food are not often seen in babies who struggle with feeds. She is coming back tomorrow and Thursday; therefore, he will get two more attempts with food this week. Bottles have still been a struggle since his last respiratory infection. He acts hungry and interested, but when the bottle is introduced he wants absolutely nothing to do with it.
Kennedy is loving getting to eat the same foods that we are eating (for the most part). We haven't found anything that she doesn't like. She loves her sippy cup; especially her new one with a straw. Today at lunch I let her try using a spoon to feed herself. For her first attempt, I think she did pretty well. She managed to get the spoon in her mouth and didn't make a mess. On her repeated attempts, she used both hands to help guide the spoon into her mouth. Still not bad for a 1st trial. She was pretty proud of herself, too!
Family picture from the NICU reunion at Presby Dallas!
My, oh my, how things have changed! I'm holding Drake in both pictures and Brian is holding Kennedy.
You can see his two bottom teeth in this picture!
Spending a little time outside this weekend.
Check out these head raises!
Eating baby food (Pediasure & Rice Cereal) with his speech therapist. He has the Vital Stem on under his chin to aid in swallowing.
Managing his food very nicely!
Big girl feeding herself with a spoon!