Thursday, December 20, 2012


Drake and Kennedy had their evaluations with ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) this morning here at home. They both did a great job and really seemed to enjoy meeting new people. Since we aren't allowed visitors, having the two ladies from ECI was a nice treat. Kennedy is doing so well with her development that she does not qualify for ECI services at this time. They were really amazed with both Drake and Kennedy considering they were 25 week twins.

The Occupational Therapist will begin working with Drake every Monday starting in January, and twice a month an ECI worker with Specialized Skills Training will be coming to work with Drake, too. His nurse and I are looking forward to learning new techniques and watching Drake progress through these services. I know he will continue to amaze these ladies once they begin working with him!

I'm continuing to give Drake his breathing treatments every 4 hours until he is able to clear this congestion. Even though he is still dealing with stuffiness and drainage, we are thankful that he has remained fever free.


  1. I don't think Kennedy likes the seat.

  2. Love their precious expressions! Thankful Drake has no fever.
