Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Laundry, Bottles & Diapers...Oh, My

So much to do and I know I try to accomplish too many things in one day. I say "try" because with two little babies in the house, all tasks do not get completed but they do get started. That's where I am today...several things started but only a few completed. Brian says I am trying to do too many things and that I should narrow it down to one thing each day. My problem is that I am able to complete the "one" project so I move on to the next, and then it's time to change a diaper, feed a baby, do their exercises, bathe them, read to them or just play. I am beginning to realize that Brian may be right, and I should be happy to have accomplished anything extra at the end of the day.

I love how much Drake and Kennedy love being a part of everything. Whether we are cooking dinner, making bottles, or cleaning dishes, they just want to be hanging out in the same room.


  1. Oh my goodness, Annie! You accomplish tons everyday. Most young moms struggle to get things accomplished with one child. I know I did, but you have TWO little ones....that's twice everything. Not only that, you have even more things on your daily "to do" list like the exercises, and all the extra things you so faithfully do for that little precious Drake. I know that you're probably also on the phone taking care of medical matters, insurance, doctor's appointments, etc. You are Wonder Momma, girl, and your house is even decorated for Christmas! Give yourself a great big pat on the back or like you did with your children at school, how about a big roller coaster clap? Everyone let's give it up for Annie!!!

  2. You are a blessing to your family. It is such a delight to see these two together now in so many pictures.

  3. Love the pictures with Drake and his little monkey! Adorable. Both of them are such precious sweeties.

    One of the hardest things I had to do as a mom (of one) was learn, that I am not going to get it all done. At least not today. And maybe not tomorrow. And that's ok. Because it'll eventually get done. My husband actually got to the point when I was so frustrated with myself, that we wrote out one goal a day (I wasn't allowed more than one!) for me. One a piece of paper. And it had to be accomplishable (as in one load of And if I got it done, it felt great to "cross" it out. And if I didn't, I got a second chance the next day. You do so much more than I ever could imagine. Trust me. You are an amazing mama!
