Friday, January 18, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Boy does it feel good to be home even though Drake and I were only gone for one night. Everyone at the nursing home was very sweet, but it still had an institutional feel. Being back home is always the best feeling...especially now that Brian is back home, too!

Drake slept so much better last night back in his room. I slept much better last night myself. While we were in the nursing home, he very much preferred for me to hold him constantly. I can't blame him, it was a new and unfamiliar place. If I slightly moved, he was not very happy with me. Below are a set of four pictures showing the looks I received when I moved and he woke up.

Kennedy was all smiles when we were back home. Although, she is all smiles the majority of the time anyway. She and Gran had a fun girls "slumber party" while we were away.


  1. Poor sweet Drake was not happy if Mama moved! Wook at that widdle sad face. I bet he was just really missing sister and Daddy! Glad you are all back together as a family. Have a wonderful weekend Team Gilstrap!

  2. He's like- I got an eye on you Mom and you better not get far away from me! :)

  3. Drake's lil faces break my heart. He was not comfortable in his surroudings, you can so clearly see it. They both are really getting big.

    Miss you all,

