Wednesday, August 17, 2016


I was fortunate enough to be able to celebrate my sister's birthday with her! I'm even more thrilled that we were able to celebrate at Disneyland! This was a 1st for both of us! It was also a good "recon" trip for future family vacations! Knowing that our next visit will be with some very happy children makes me feel excited! We just need a little growth in height so that they can ride on everything.

Even though it is hard to be away from home, it was a wonderful trip! I'm thankful for FaceTime so that I was able to see my family members sweet faces while I was keeping in touch with them. Kennedy and Hayes definitely had fun at Mimi & Poppy's! I'm sure they were not spoiled at all (yeah, right!). They even took them to a birthday party! Drake and Brian held down the fort here at home, and  Brian even stepped in as nurse when our nurse had to leave early due to a family member being hospitalized. He was even stung 6 times by a yellow jacket while mowing the lawn that same day...Clearly super dad! 

My trip was eventful and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I was even happier to arrive home to my family! My crazy, offbeat, one of a kind family! 

Our daily routine

Checking in at our hotel!

FaceTime with my babies!

Drakey even face timed from the tub!

Mimi & Poppy took them to a fun birthday party!

At Dinseyland with the best tour guide, my niece Alyssa.

Happy Birthday, Meredith!!

So excited watching my SIL walk the state in California for her promotion!! 

I was pretty excited about mine, too!

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