Tuesday, January 5, 2016


3.5 years ago we had never even heard of RSV. However, after unexpectedly becoming parents of micro-preemies and making the necessary transition into germaphobes, RSV became something we have feared. For the past 3.5 years we have been fortunate enough to avoid RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus), which most children have before the age of 2 and it looks like a bad cold on your average child. Our lucky streak finally ran out and our sweet Drake is currently in the PICU at Medical City Children's Hospital in Dallas. Even though this is not how we wanted to start out our new year, we are thankful that he is bigger and stronger now to fight this virus. Kennedy, unfortunately, has been dealing with what we suspect is the same virus at home. She required a couple days of intensive breathing treatments at home as well as bribery for drinking fluids. Oh, the power of gummy bears! Brian said she has been doing really well, but he had to increase breathing treatments again today. This is such a nasty bug! We did our best to protect Hayes by quarantining him in our bedroom at the first signs of illness with Drake and Kennedy. I turned myself into a quick change artist as I did not want to spread germs from kiddo to kiddo. We also did our very best to keep Drake at home during his recovery, but his need for greater support surpassed our capabilities at home. 

On January 1st, Drake and I began his hospital stay in Dallas. Brian has been super dad at home taking care of Kennedy and running the home-front. Nurse Lisa picked up Hayes to protect him in a germ free environment, and Mimi picked him up yesterday. Despite our best efforts, Hayes has developed a cough. We are closely monitoring him for any signs that he needs medical attention. Mimi & I have been taking turns spending nights at the hospital with Drake, and that means that I was able to see Hayes last night! 

Drake is currently using the hospital vent for the extra support his body needs. Yesterday the doctors tried to move him back to our home vent, and he was successful for a good portion of the day, but last night had to be returned to a hospital vent. We are hopeful that he will be ready to try our home vent again tomorrow. His lungs sound great, chest X-rays look great, but he is requiring a very large amount of oxygen. 

Brian's dad and brother stepped in to help out with Kennedy this week. Our house is literally 3 men and a princess! I'm sure that is a sight to see, and I would imagine she is busy telling them how things are supposed to be done. My dear friend, Lisbeth, volunteered to help out with Hayes and she took care of him while I drove down to switch places with Mimi. This also allowed Mimi time to shower and clean off the "hospital" before picking him back up. 

It's no fun being pulled between both boys, and I miss Kennedy like crazy, but we'll do whatever is necessary to get everyone healthy again! For now, we will continue to take it one day at a time and pray for the health of our little ones. 

This little wiggle worm is all over his hospital bed! He's been using his head to activate the music on this toy. Once we can get him moved onto our home vent & down on his oxygen, we will be one step closer to home!

This is cool, mom!

Feeling better!

This little cutie pie thought he was the king of the castle! 

Mustering up a few smiles in the hospital 

Cupcakes on the patio...someone is getting a little spoiled!

I'm so lucky to have been able to snuggle with this little guy this morning!

Parents of another child here in the PICU passed along this little guardian angel to us. There son is about to be discharged from the PICU and sent to the regular hospital floor to continue his recovery. Our job is to pass this along to another family here in the PICU when Drake is healthy enough to go home. 

Sent from my iPhone


  1. hoping for a fast recovery Drake is so beautiful

  2. Hey there, I'm praying for God's protection over your children and I would love to send you a copy of my very favorite book, Psalm 91 for Mothers.

    Would it be possible to email the hospital address to hannah.mouton@gmail.com?

    Those who trust in the Lord shall not be disappointed!


    1. Thank you SO much! I would love to read the book you mentioned. I will send you an email.

  3. I hope all children have a speedy recovery! I love what the other family did with the Angel....it gives people hope!

  4. I pray you and Drake will be heading home soon. I know you can't wait to get your family all well and back together. The Angel was such a special jester of love and hope. You are a very special young women.Love to you and your family.

  5. I pray you and Drake will be heading home soon. I know you can't wait to get your family all well and back together. The Angel was such a special jester of love and hope. You are a very special young women.Love to you and your family.
