Yesterday Drake had an appointment with his pulmonologist (lung doc) after his physical therapy. Gran usually keeps Kennedy while we take Drake to his appointments, but she was busy yesterday and Aunt Mere (our backup) was busy taking Jacob for a routine visit with his pediatrician. Kennedy is a good girl and not a problem tagging along with us. She was not sure about the doctor at first, and was very quiet, serious and focused while Drake was being examined; however, by the end of the appointment she decided he was ok and even shook his hand. The doctor thought Drake looked really good and despite his noisy breathing his lung are nice and clear!
Tomorrow Drake has his rescheduled appointment with the Retinal Eye Association. We're hoping he cooperates in-spite of his teething troubles. We are still waiting on 3 top teeth to break through. One of them is visible, but it isn't making this teething issue any easier. This Christmas our little man (and all of us) are hoping his teeth come on through soon, soon, soon!