Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Off of Cannula

That's right...Drake is off of cannula! He is not requiring any additional support of oxygen. It is clear that he is feeling better every day and he seemed comfortable and at ease without his cannula today. The progress he has made since his surgery surprises not only me, but also the nurses. Tomorrow will mark one week since his surgery, and he is exceeding expectations! I was able to feed him a bottle today with 25mL and hopefully by tomorrow he will be able to attempt a full 80mL feed from the bottle. Today I learned how to give him medications through his g-tube, and tomorrow I will learn how to use his tube for feeds.

I will be getting to the hospital a little later than usual tomorrow because Kennedy has her first doctors appointment with her pediatrician in McKinney. She is continuing to do well out of the hospital and she is thoroughly enjoying all of her snuggle time with Gran, Poppy, Uncle Mikey, Aunt Mere and Uncle Aaron.

Overwhelmed by kindness...A good friend and former colleague called to let me know she was dropping off diapers at our house. Diapers? Yes, she explained that two of my former students requested diapers for Drake and Kennedy in lieu of presents at their recent birthday party. Those are two outstanding kids! Also, Kosmic Custom Cakes has created Cake Push-Ups and 100% of the Cake Push-Ups proceeds will go to Drake and Kennedy. Thank you to everyone!

1) Drake
2) Kennedy
3) Drake
4) Kennedy & Uncle Aaron
5) Drake
6) Drake


  1. It looks like Aaron is holding a doll, Kennedy is so precious. So happy that Drake is feeling so much better.

    Love yall,


  2. Aaron looks good holding a baby... just saying :)

    Drake and Kennedy are doing so awesome! Glad to see them growing up so well and how BIG they are! I remember seeing them back when they were so tiny, and to see them so big right now, just brings the biggest smile to me :)

    God, keep watching over Drake and Kennedy, and everyone blessed to be in their lives! :)

  3. Drake is one step closer to home! I am giddy with excitement!
